Version 5.0

What's New in Avonni Components for Flows

New Avonni Microphone component

Boost productivity with the Avonni Microphone component. Capture voice notes directly within Salesforce flows, streamlining documentation for customer support, sales demos, and field service observations.

Read the Avonni Microphone documentation.

Avonni Data Table

  • New attribute: Maintain clear table headers with the new "wrap-table-header" attribute. This allows longer header text to wrap, ensuring complete visibility.

  • "Group By" Update: Use the new "Custom Order By" option to fine-tune the display of grouped data within data tables. Learn more.

  • "Group By" Update: When searching within grouped data tables, all sections automatically expand to display matching results.

Avonni Calendar

  • Calendar Customization: Tailor your calendar experience. You can now change the "Resources" label on the side panel. Learn more.

  • Calendar Enhancement: Easily access additional event information. You can now configure custom fields to display when hovering over calendar events. Learn more.

  • Accessible event rescheduling: Reschedule events with ease! You can now drag and drop existing calendar items directly. Learn more.

Avonni Record Detail

  • Enjoy improved record readability. Fields are now horizontally aligned by default for a visually organized display.

Avonni Kanban

  • Customize Kanban item cards with annotation icons and additional information.

Avonni Progress Bar

  • Gradient Color customization: With new gradient styling options, you can gain more control over the look of your progress bars. Learn more.


  • Avonni Header: A border now surrounds the avatar, aligning with the visual style of the profile card.

  • Date Time Picker: The UI has been refactored to match the design of the Salesforce Scheduler, providing a consistent user experience.

  • Avonni Progress Indicator: You can now customize label positions for enhanced readability.

  • Avonni Progress Circle: To optimize the display, adjust the font sizes for the label, title, and value elements.

  • Avonni Progress Indicator: This indicator displays a custom icon for the current step, offering greater visual clarity and customization options.

What's New in Avonni Components for Experience Cloud Sites

  • The Avonni Gallery component for Experience Cloud Sites now supports click interactions. Configure actions to occur when users interact with individual gallery items.


Performance Improvements

  • The Property Editor within the Avonni Components library has significantly improved performance. Expect faster interaction speeds and reduced load times for a smoother configuration experience.

  • To optimize performance, the preview section has been removed from the Property Editor within the Avonni Components library. This change simplifies the configuration process and improves overall responsiveness.

Last updated